Suffering Harm Due to a Trucking Accident?
Texas Trucking Accident Attorney
Trucking accidents are the cause of many serious injuries and deaths each year. Truck accidents are more likely to cause catastrophic injuries due to the sheer size and weight of trucks. A passenger vehicle weighs merely a fraction of what a fully loaded truck can weigh. In some cases trucks can weigh over 80,000 pounds. It is easy to see why a truck accident involving a negligent or careless truck driver can turn deadly in seconds. Whether you have been injured in a rollover accident, rear-end collision, or underride accident, it is extremely important to contact a Texas injury lawyer from the firm.
Truck driver negligence has become a serious problem in the trucking industry. Many trucking companies do not effectively enforce truck driver safety rules and the result is a serious accident. Specifically, the rules regarding the amount of hours a driver can drive consecutively are commonly broken. While there are many responsible and professional truck drivers on the road, there are still many that break violations and endanger people' lives. If a truck driver or trucking company did not abide by proper safety regulations and it resulted in injury or loss of a life, the company can be held responsible for damages. Truck drivers who suffer serious work injuries or death due to company negligence should have legal representation at once.
Trucking Accident Lawyer Serving Texas
A truck accident attorney can help you by dealing with the insurance companies so that you don't have to. Insurance companies will often try to get you to accept a settlement that is far less than what you are due. An attorney can keep the insurance company from using tools against you in order to get you to accept less compensation than you deserve. The fact is that trucking companies need to reform the way they enforce their safety standards if trucking accident deaths and injuries are ever to be prevented.