Texas Refinery and Oil Field Explosions
Dangerous Work Accidents Can Lead to Devastating Consequences
Refinery explosions and oil field work-related accidents are commonplace in the state of Texas because of the vast amount of drilling sites and jobs that exist. Victims of falls and explosions can be left with long-term injuries or loss of life. When negligence or unsafe work conditions are to blame, it is important to obtain the legal representation of a skilled Texas injury lawyer.
Physical work that involves dangerous machinery, equipment and hazardous chemicals create the need for many safety measures and regulations in the oil drilling industry. Unfortunately, when people don't pay attention, aren't trained well enough or other issues that lead to unintentional disaster, no matter how safe you try to be on the job, catastrophe sometimes cannot be avoided. Whether inadvertently caused or otherwise, the fact is that accident victims have rights that protect them from being financially devastated by a work-related accident.
We Represent Victims of Refinery and Oil Field Work Accidents
There are many types of accidents that can occur, but some of the more one common ones that we see are falls, being hit by falling equipment, as well as burns from explosions of well heads and pressurized tanks. We represent clients involved in any type of refinery accident though, and can best guide you in an appropriate direction, once we have reviewed the details of your particular circumstances. At The J. Guerra Law Firm, our attorneys will aggressively seek maximum compensation for injuries and losses sustained by victims of refinery and oil field work accidents such as:
- Medical and hospital bills
- Transportation expenses
- Physical therapy costs
- Surgical costs
- In home care
- Pain and suffering
If you or a loved one has sustained serious work injuries or death, due to a refinery or oil field accident, and you believe it was due to negligence, we can help. It is your right to seek repayment of your expenses and compensation due to an inability to work. Being injured can leave families scared about how to pick up and move forward after such an unexpected event. Having competent legal representation will help you with the legalities so you can focus on what is important, your recovery.
Contact a Texas oil field explosion lawyer from our firm for aggressive representation and legal advice.